I'm sitting down with Josey Sewell, the very first guest on the show as well as the first repeat guest. Josey is a wife, mother, and incredible entrepreneur, making waves in her industry and beyond. She started off 2020 working with Dental Intel and made a huge pivot after the start of the pandemic. Today we got to catch up and chat about what those changes were and how they’ve been a blessing in disguise walking into 2021.
Josey realized her lack of fulfillment was rooted in not reaching her full potential and with some reflection and soul searching, she made the decision that,
“The only thing I [need] to be in control of, is my future”
She trusted her gut and is now living out her dream to help people and create a better, more productive world. Josey is one of the founders of JoyFULL People and Traction for Dental where she’s a Professional Implementer of EOS (Entrepreneurial Operating System), helping dental offices simplify their systems to improve productivity and streamline their processes.
“I don’t ever want to embed myself in somebody’s organization where they’re dependent on me, it’s about really empowering people to learn the tools...”
In their role with clients, they aim to help them have a solid vision with the leadership team, teach them how to execute that vision day in and day out with traction, and keep a healthy environment with open and fun-loving leaders.
“It’s less about size or revenue, more about the mindset of the leadership team.”
With some changes in her personal life in addition to all that COVID brought, Josey was able to overcome obstacles that might overwhelm anyone else. Her story is one of courage, bravery, and it’s so true to who she is.
She demonstrates that with JoyFULL People, where they aim to push the boundaries of typical HR personnel and cultivate healthy, sustainable, growth-oriented work environments by focusing on the management teams.
“If we can have incredible people as managers and we’re focusing on maximizing human potential, we can literally change the world and people will be healthy, happy, and the economy will be better”
Changing that employee-manager relationship and systemizing being a great leader and fostering an amazing work environment that people actually want to and enjoy being in is at the heart of JoyFULL People. Josey teaches a very simple but vital change in mindset when it comes to how we view business and business structure,
“Your people aren't broken, the system is.”
Thanks so much for taking the time to talk with me, Josey, we’re all rooting for you back here at Studio 8E8. You can find both Traction for Dental and JoyFULL People on social media or online at www.tractionfordental.com and www.joyfullpeople.com. You can also contact Josey direction by emailing Josey@joyfullpeople.com.