The dental practice landscape is changing at an ever faster rate. Protect your investment by putting together a strategic marketing plan customized to you. Schedule your consultation with me.
Our FIRST MONDAY back as a team this year was January 7, 2019. We always allow our team some extra time off at the Holidays so that everyone gets some downtime before the new year begins. Toward the end of 2018, however, I realized that we had grown to a point where many of our communication systems and workflow routines were not working as well as they used to. We added three new members to the team and had our best year of growth, but I began to sense that what worked for five people isn’t going to work with 15. 2019 was going to be a year to recalibrate. So we spent our first morning together discussing how we communicate and manage workflow - basically, How We Use Time. Here are five of the principles I discussed with my team.